
Joseph is elegant, durable and snug to relax into. This collection is stylish and has an inviting appeal. Joseph is an ultimate choice for comfort and celebrating good times with the family.

Technical Description

Standard size (Close)
1 seater 2 seaters 3 seaters
L x W x H (in mm) 890 x 920 x 990 1425 x 920 x 990 2030 x 920 x 990
CBM 0.6 0.96 1.36
Standard size (Open)
Seaters 1 seater 2 seaters 3 seaters
L x W x H (in mm) 865 x 1610 x 805 1410 x 1610 x 805 2010 x 1610 x 805
CBM 0.6 0.96 1.36